Please join the DISCO Network’s Digital Accessible Futures (AF) Lab this Thursday, Dec. 15 at 12:00 pm ET for a virtual Disabili-TEA and Neurodiversi-TEA Party.
The Digital Accessible Futures Lab is hosting a virtual tea party for undergraduate and graduate students interested in disability culture and community. Meet other disabled and neurodivergent students and play some community-building games! Bring your own cup of tea or other beverage/snack/stim toy of your choosing!
CART will be provided. For access requests or any questions please email Sarah Torsch at [email protected].
This event is sponsored by the DISCO Network, the Digital Studies Institute, and the UM Disability Nursing Association. The flyer for this event features an image of two tea cups sporting the DISCO and Digital Studies logos, respectively. A tea bag (with stylized rainbow hands fingerspelling A and F) hangs from one of the mugs.