This roundtable conversation considers what it means to design accessible conference presentations, as well as how to survive and navigate…
Category: past-events
Hostile Legislation, Digital Activism, and TransCrip Stories
This roundtable stories in/access and crip feelings in the wake of anti-trans and anti-critical race theory legislation, as well as…
Community Conversation with Disability Network Washtenaw Monroe Livingston (DNWML) || Disability Design and Activism
Will Purves, Alex Gossage, and Izzie Bullock from the Disability Network Washtenaw Monroe Livingston (DNWML) joined students and other university…
Donia Human Rights Center Panel | A Discussion on Disability Justice, Human Rights, and the Politics of Space
This panel is convening as a form of repair across the disciplinary divides, hoping to foster connections among the divergent…
[Lydia X.Z. Brown] Algorithmic Ableism at the Intersections: Disability, Race, Gender, and New Technologies
From algorithmic worker management, credit decisions, threat assessment, health predictions, decision-making technologies, and surveillance apparatuses, algorithmic and automated technologies increasingly…
Access Advocacy: A Crip Mentoring Roundtable
How do we advocate for access in environments that are hostile to life and living? Where can we find community…
[J. Logan Smilges] Queer Silence: Rhetorical Quieting and an Erotics of Absence
In their interactive talk, J. Logan Smilges shows how queer and otherwise marginalized populations navigate the risks that subtend their…
Writing (or not) on Crip Time: A Crip Mentoring Roundtable
The Digital Accessible Futures Lab will be convening an informal Zoom roundtable of interdisciplinary scholars and activists in critical disability…
DisabiliTEA / NeurodiversiTEA Party (Zoom)
The Digital Accessible Futures Lab is hosting a virtual tea party for undergraduate and graduate students interested in disability culture…
DisabiliTEA / NeurodiversiTEA Party (f2f)
Please join the Digital Accessible Futures Lab for a Disabili-TEA & Neurodiversi-TEA Party! Meet disabled and neurodivergent undergraduate/graduate students! Learn…